"The protagonist of the novel climbed a "magic mountain" on which he aspired to find health, whereas in our lodgings it is possible to find peace and quiet. In both “places”, time moves at a different pace, more slowly and possibly more intensely".
Ignacio Gracia Noriega
Thomas Mann
In the library of La Montaña Mágica we have been collecting different publications and translations of Thomas Mann’s (1875-1955) famous novel The Magic Mountain, first published in 1924. We invite our guests to have a look to read or re-read this masterpiece.
It may just be just a fledgling collection but little by little it has been growing and enriched by the generous collaboration of our guests. For now we have managed to collect the following publications, sorted by language and publication date:
Enjoy Asturias by getting immersed in the heart of nature, just a stone's throw from the main points of interest.